Current date/time is Fri 26 Apr 2024 - 13:56

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Thus want with the legality of information that you to diffuse on your site:

The French law applies to the Net and thus certain illicit contents fall under the blow from the French criminal law:
* Insults and slandering
* Atteinte with the intimacy of the private life
* Racisme, anti-semitism, incentive with racial hatred
* Pornographie (and, if! the pornography falls under the blow from the law since it is likely to be seen by a minor. And as it is not possible to make sure that no minor will reach it...)
* Pédophilie* Incitation the consumption of prohibited substances
* data-processing Piratage (supplies of will warez, aces, serials, Trojan horses...): few people know that there is a battery of repressive tools, especially provided to sanction the "fraudulent accesses or maintenance in a system of automated processing of data", and that even the "attempt" at access is sanctionnable! You thus do not amuse with the scans and other attempts at intrusion via Back Orifice or other tools of this style...

To respect the royalty:

From one site to another, it surely sometimes happened to you to find the same images, the same photographs (especially on the perso pages). Two solutions: either the image or the photograph in question is "free rights" and there are thus very few chances that you have troubles by using it, or it was mended some share without the authorization of its creator, and there... WATCH OUT (take guard)!!Note: Moderate free term the "of right". Will know that a work, some it is is seldom, really or completely, free of rights... Often, you can integrate such or such photo image/in your site, provided that this one is not with commercial goal for example. Read well the conditions of use registered in bottom of the sites from which to download you the images, and do not copy those of which you do not know the source. To thus in no case you cannot reproduce the following objects, without the authorization express of their author:
* Photographs
* Images
* Icons
* Logos
* Texts, books
* Sounds or music (even in the shape of files midday)
*... And more still! That they are original works or that you them improved, adapted, adulterated... even topo and even mode! You must ask for the authorization. Or buy a licence allowing you to download and diffuse certain images or photographs. You never believe safe from continuations... The APP (Agency for the Protection of the Programs) is charged to take care of all these rules of good control and is sworn in to note the infringements and to put a term at it. The APP publishes the list in addition (red!!) suppliers of lodging accomodating and "protecting" from the sites with illegal contents. It is thus to better leave on the Net with good intentions than to believe than all is possible!